“You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself.”
Nelson Mandela
It’s easy to slip into the mode of what I would call the “can’t, won’t, don’t feel like it, doesn’t really matter mode”.
Not only is this a dangerous place to be, but it diminishes who you are and your capabilities.
Whenever anyone does anything based on feelings, this is nothing more than a slippery slope and a recipe for disaster.
Your feelings are not only unpredictable, but are solely based on things that may or may not be true.
Feelings are subject to change and are strongly influenced by how you PERCEIVE your circumstances .
Your feelings can change like the weather and be as incorrect as the evening forecast predicting stormy showers which turn out to be sprinkles of rain for about 5 minutes and then the sun remains the entire day.
You can only imagine the person who remained home solely based upon his or her feelings and premonitions ….concerned that if it rained, they would not only get wet, but also get in a car accident because maybe the roads would be slippery. Guess what…. it didn’t happen because it wasn’t true.
We all at sometime or another, have made decisions based on how we feel and missed great opportunities as a result.
But what I love to remind people is that your decision just doesn’t affect you or your family and love one. It can also affect people whom you may or may not know.
The other day I spoke at a conference and gave an example how important our decisions are and I shared about my father.
He had made a decision to take his entire family and immigrate to America.
I shared with the audience that even though they had never met my father, his decision affected them.
How so? I probably would have never been speaking into their lives at that moment had my father decided to remain in Europe because he was too afraid to leave his comfortable life.
Everything you do matters on some level. It re-enforces your thought life and develops daily habits. These habits and decisions determine your successes.
We can be deliberate in our decisions and plan accordingly for a more desirable outcome.
However, the problem which constantly raises is that far too few people realize their power, potential and purpose in the decisions they make.
Decisions must be deliberate. This can only be accomplished through conscious thoughts.
Remember, your thoughts determine what direction the vehicle to your change will be.
I love you, remain focused, as we continue to overcome live and be deliberate in our decisions.