People and things can either add to who you are and what you want to become, or they can become a deficit and a liability to you.
For instance, in order to be successful, a manufacturer or business owner has to have some form of vision and a plan for realizing it.
However, what is most important for you is the plan God has for your life. Your life and contribution to God’s greater plan matters. Your pursuit of His purpose for everything in your life is invaluable…
Proverbs 19:21 says: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.”
Why dream? Why plan? Why have a vision? Well, when God wanted to use Abraham, bless him and make him the Father of Nations. Abraham did not have any kids, he wasn’t young, but he did have a promise from God. Today, throughout the Bible you will see many promises God has for you.
God wanted to take Abraham away from life as he knew it, for something better…. Now God isn’t into destroying families, but he is concerned about YOUR ENVIRONMENT.
Your environment affects your attitude and behavior and can be a catalyst for mindset influences and changes.
It was Albert Einstein who said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Changing Your Mindset can be as simple as making a decision to see things from a new perspective. “Adjusting Your Behavior” accordingly then allows you to see and take advantage of ‘opportunities’ to implement the change, creating good habits that are aligned with your vision and mindset, and therefore lead you to attaining your desired results.
If you don’t like the fruit or the results you see within your life or the direction where you are going, … STOP… CHANGE your mindset … and ADJUST YOUR BEHAVIOR …
Love you dangerously,
Carol Sligh
Amen. Great piece!!!
I like the sound and feel of “STOP. CHANGE. IMPLEMENT.” And I’m looking forward to practicing doing just that, even if at first I can on mostly only small habits. Then the bigger mindset changes will become easier. Each small success leads one closer to what in hindsight you realize amounts to a big change, and having overcome a major challenge in one’s life.
Thank u for your wisdom and inspiration.
I am excited for you .. No need to count small steps.. .continue to be deliberate and make each step count