Well, it’s a few months before the end of the year and like every other year, many people will make New Year”s resolutions.
They will once again make promises to themselves that they will soon break. They may spend a lot of money on gym memberships to go for a few weeks, and then they’ll return to doing whatever they were doing before, and YES… they’ll get the same results they have gotten before.
Results that fall short are the consequences of inadequate planning, lack of focus, conflicted decisions, and habitual behavior and thinking.
So if you want to achieve more successful results, I want you to do something differently…. I want you to give yourself a gift. What? That’s right, this is the season of giving. The gift you will give yourself today, tomorrow and each day for the next two months, is to DREAM …
As strange as it is… This is your assignment. For 30 minutes or an hour (or however long it takes), DREAM to identify and clarify the Vision of what you want to achieve. Do this not just for yourself but also for the others whose dreams are enabled or whose paths are made clearer by your progress and achievements. (Just a simple action on your part may enable them to unlock their potential and fulfill their dreams too.)
Dreaming is a vehicle for receiving and clarifying your vision, and for aligning your everyday mindset with your dream. When you have a clear vision and a plan for achieving it, it will help to guide you toward your destiny, and enable in you the self-discipline to achieve it. Maintaining a vision for your life ensures that you will take the necessary steps to achieve your goals.
You see, if you know where you’re going, you’re less likely to make reckless decisions that impede or delay your progress.
Having a plan helps you determine what to do, and what you shouldn’t be doing...
As you practice identifying and selecting more productive alternatives to the things you shouldn’t be doing, it will become easier for you to recognize the distractions that are wasters of your time.
You may recall a time that you had to make a life-changing decision. It may have been regarding your business, buying a house, marriage, school or accepting a new job.
Regardless of what type of decision it was, at some point you had to take a moment to ACKNOWLEDGE where you were and DETERMINE where you wanted TO BE, and what decision would take you in the right direction for you.
Determining where you want to be, and deciding “TO BE” there is a mindset change. It’s not only assessing where you are but also seeing yourself visually at your destination. When you find the courage “TO BE”, you will discover that your ability “TO BE” significantly accelerates your process of “becoming”.
If you don’t like the fruit of your life thus far, or you would like to achieve better results in your life … STOP… CHANGE your mindset… ADJUST your behavior.. so that you remain on the path that most directly leads to realizing your unique Vision.
As always, I am loving you dangerously
To be continued …..
Wow!! As usual, well said!! Great direction and motivation!! Makes me want to stop and check in right now and every 30 minutes or so, and ask myself if what i’m doing right now is what I should and want to be doing.
Of course, like most other people, I need to clarify my purpose and what types of actions and attitudes contribute vs detract from my achieving the results I can and will achieve.
We will be addressing finding your purpose or should I say “clarifying” your purpose later. Many times it is not that you don’t know your purpose or even that it is lost.needing to be found … However, your purpose is usually so close to you that you can’t even see it or realize it as your gift because it is naturally an extension of you.
As the year closes my goal is in the upcoming months to prepare my readers and followers, on how to be clearer about your purpose and destiny. Travel light as you continue to overcome and live.
Wow, when I was younger my mother had a promise she was contending for ( really all of us). But, she would ever so ofter have us to close our eyes and envision the promise at hand. She would go into describing it and a year or two down the line, after contending for some time to move, as we had our house packed for an entire year, we finally were able to move. That vision, that description, was exactly what was how the house looked.
Wow, and a few days ago, God showed me the words: Dare to Dream.
Thanks for this word and confirmation.
Awesome. Thank you for share.. So many hidden nuggets in your story. Your mother the wise woman she was used several principles.. Such as power of agreement, visualization, and here’s the awesome one taking a step of faith.. That’s right. This Is mentioned in my book “Overcoming Obstacles and Living your Dreams ” I explain it as “Putting Feet To Your Vision ” a step many people are either afraid to-do or simply overlook.