Years ago, someone I once knew shared with me, that  every night his wife would run outside, around their home, with a plastic baggy full of salt in her hand.

He went on to share how this  irritated him, and he was always wondering what the neighbors were probably thinking about this.

As I inquired politely why does she do this? He said ” she hates snails…” I know your probably wondering what exactly does her behavior have to do with her loathing snails?

Well…snails hate salt and they would regularly attack her flowers and vegetable gardens.

So to keep these critters at bay, and stop them before they destroyed her  horticulture gardens, everyday she would sprinkle salt around her walkways, flowerbeds and vegetable gardens.

The following morning, with a broom and shovel in her hand, she would clean up the dead carcass shells from the night before… Celebrating that her plants, flowers and vegetables were still intact.

Don’t get me wrong… I don’t condone these actions in getting rid of snails, neither have I participated or used this inhumane technique.

However, it is interesting how this behavior is so applicable to our spiritual lives today and dealing with issues in which you may frequently encounter or deal with in your heart, mind or life.

I know it sounds a little harsh and somewhat ridiculous, but so does dressing up a pig in a designer dress or having them wear pearls for lunch…. believe it or not someone feels doing this is absolutely acceptable.

In  Matthew 7:6 it says “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

In context, it is biblical to be careful who you give or share your gift with…this is not only wisdom but for those who have been burned…..LIFE.

I am sure some of you have experienced being used by someone or had your gift  exploited. If that is the case, understandably this explains why you would be even more cautious towards anything or anyone.

Reality is …this doesn’t have to be your final chapter in life. Infact, it is through these experiences and circumstances we learn to set clear boundaries and grow.

Like the wife who relentlessly went out each night to protect her harvest, you sometimes have to do that…

Expecially placing in perspective This is your DESTINY… This is your LIFE…

It really boils down to 3 simple questions … “Do you know what you carry?”, “Are you aware of your true self worth? “. Lastly, Are you willing to protect what is yours? The lady with salt did.

Matt 5:13 says “you are the salt of the earth”. It goes on to share in verse 14 “You are the light of the world. (Let’s face it, you can’t possibly expect others to value what you fail to protect).

Yes, every bit of your gift is at stake and if it is not protected, valued and managed correctly, the results can be irrevocable.  Given these circumstances, your actions must be DELIBERATE.

It’s time to take the bull by the horns…what exactly do I mean? Face the repeated problems…. Confront those issues that repeatedly revolve around your life and MOVE… That’s right…Move forward valiantly.

Love, Carol

To Be Continued….