Growing up in my house there was never a shortage of quotes, fables and morals of stories. Even if you received a free pass on some form of discipline, you for sure would never miss out on “The Quote”.
I am grateful for my family and the lessons I learned. To this day, these sayings ring true in my life.
My daughter loves to hear some of the old sayings, I heard while growing up. Even my husband enjoys hearing these stories, though he might not admit to it. (In fact, you may even catch him using a few of them periodically when giving advice or telling his own stories.)
Words and sayings have shaped our lives and the people around us much more than we realize … WORDS HAVE POWER.
Take a moment to take inventory of the most uplifting words which have been said to you, over you, or by You?
As you think back about some of these words and statements which have affected you the most? Also, which ones have inspired you to change or do something different?
Words can be very influential and have the ability to leave lasting positive or negative impacts.
These words can especially impact children and people who are in a vulnerable space, whether this is long-term or during difficult times.
Regardless of what the nursery rhyme says, not only do sticks and stones hurt … so do words. However, words can also HEAL…
Throughout the Bible, we see words continually healing people.
Infact God speaks to us in many ways and through various people in our lives, and His words are never limited by our situation or circumstance. The only limitations placed are those implemented by society and people.
God always speaks to us as a finished product. We saw this in a conversation with an angel messenger and Gideon. Gideon if you didn’t know felt extremely inadequate.
“When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.”- Judges 6:12
When God speaks to us, this is based upon the hidden potential he is attempting to reveal within each of us.
You carry a solution to a problem and life is an opportunity to do what God created you to fulfill. There is no greater power than now.
My older sister had a famous quote she use to share whenever the opportunity arose, and although she is no longer with us, I thank her for permission to refer to it as she forever leaves such a significant memory in our lives.
She use to say “A closed mouth will never get fed.”.
You see, a closed mouth doesn’t receive the nourishment it needs until you are open to receive it.
There are also those things which clearly are our responsibility to ask… Remaining quiet and not expressing your concerns leaves room for assumptions and human error.
Keeping your mouth shut and remaining silent limits you not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually … (Hummmmh).
What are you closing your mouth and mind to?
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [of My law, where I reveal My will].” -Hosea 4:6
Is it something that you need physically or is it something that you need mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually?
Could it be something you need to receive in order to fulfill your destiny?
Are there opportunities awaiting you, but they remain trapped behind a door that only YOU can unlock when you are ready to receive the gifts that are intended for you?
Instead of keeping yourself stuck in the same place with words and thoughts that limit you, you can unlock your world by choosing to only speak words that can direct you towards opportunities which will advance you into pursuing your purpose.
It is important that you speak into your destiny and over your life. Choose words that reflect the power of God in you.
The words you use can empower you, facilitate implementation of the plans you make, and enable you to achieve stronger results each day.
Speak into your life words that reflect your purpose every day, so that you will believe it more and more.
This will enable you to step into your destiny. Open your mouth and speak resolutely to encourage yourself every day.
In the beginning, God spoke to create the universe. He also created you with intention, potential and opportunities you need to fulfill the important purpose that he intended you to fulfill.
There are 3 truths that I want you to speak into your life today and every day until you begin to fully realize the meaning and potential impact of each statement.
Remember, there is power in YOUR words.
Say these three things to yourself:
- I am seated in my rightful place where I was created to be.
- I live a healthy, prosperous life.
- Through the words I speak and the actions I take, today and every day, I am leaving my mark and a lasting legacy for many generations to come.
After you have read each of these statements, repeat them audibly, so you can hear and begin to practice them every day. (And, by the way, don’t call the cat when you want the dog .. that was a freebie – smile.)
So what do you choose to tell yourself?
Yes! They are so powerful, this is a powerful word of encouragement and a great reminder.
Thanks for sharing and writing this piece.
Such a good word. 😊
Thank u for your words of encouragement. I will review the three statements you shared each day for the next few days. They encourage me more each time I say them:
1) I am seated in my rightful place where I was created to be.
2) I live a healthy prosperous life.
3) I will leave a legacy and my mark for the next generation.
Thanks again, Carol, for sharing the treasures you have not only received but also cultivated throughout your life. 🙏🏻