This too shall pass…

What is your story and what are you telling yourself?

I’m sure if you were able to go back in time and redo, undo or not do at all, past mistakes or bad decisions you previously made,  you would.

Unfortunately, since we’re not in the Twilight Zone you can’t change the past, but you can learn and grow from it. We know our past can become a pivotal point within our future.

Therefore, you must realize your present circumstances CAN and WILL change. This of course will be based on what you DO or DON’T DO in “YOUR NOW”.

“YOUR NOW” is the time allotted to you in which you have a choice and an opportunity to Live,  Learn and Grow.

It is Human nature to want to dwell in the past and ruminate yourself.

However, it’s time to move forward, and time to move beyond this circumstance. Its time to forgive others and most importantly FORGIVE YOURSELF.

You see, as you embrace the future courageously, you will find that your past pain can strengthen you, empower you, and empower others. It casts rays of hope reminding all of us that this too shall pass.

Remember you are passing through…..

You are simply not created to remain there in regret for prolonged periods of time..

That is why it is called your PAST…

Isaiah 43:18 says “Forget the former things do not dwell on the past.” 

The strategy of the enemy is to have you remain stuck. It is to drive you to fail and abort your Purpose …of course he doesn’t have that power to do this, but YOU DO…

YOU can make or break your destiny. How? you may ask… through YOUR  DECISIONS and your WORDS. 

Do You remember that boyfriend  or girlfriend who lied and broke your heart.. the elementary School teacher who chastised you.. the wicked aunt with negative proclamations or the unruly boss?  Whatever the experience or situation… I’ll let you fill in your blank.

  Whatever this experience  is or was, it doesn’t have the final say on YOUR life…


The only way this situation can have power over you, is if YOU ALLOW IT. 

Stop focusing on the past.. Choose to move forward  and SEIZE YOUR NOW.



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