A certain individual became incensed when his family was talked about. Unfortunately, the situation did not end well …at least for now.
I am sure it eventually will, even if we don’t know when. It’s too soon to tell.
What we do know, is a man was harmed, a wife insulted, and the perpetrator’s career, it will never be the same, at least for now.
It makes no sense going any further into the weeds. It’s messy.
God however, is an expert in messy things. He is never the author of confusion, yet he can make the worst situations work out.
No-one likes to be talked about and no one wants to be hit deliberately as the world watches it unfold. A healing of individuals has to take place. ( Sigh)
In Proverbs 25:28 it says “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.”
Anyone without walls is vulnerable to whatever.
As we enter into the last days, we must remember, each person should guard their heart and their mind.
COVID is not the cause of everything, but it’s stressors has brought to light, the issues within our hearts.
It has revealed the inner struggles so many of us face or have failed to address within communities, our homes, families and lives.
It is important to ultimately realize, you are the guard at the door of your own life and heart.
The battles we encounter begin first within the spirit realm and can only be truly won on our knees.
To win in a spiritual battle, win the heart of your brother, win the trust of another, whatever your win is….it requires Prayer, humility, self reflection and reconciliation.
These battles and struggles almost never started in the flesh, yet will end there. It requires appropriate “action” or what I call “do”…it’s your choice what you do.
In fact, everything we do carries a consequence and our decisions all too often never just impact us as an individual, but affects the lives of others.
What am I trying to say? Your Life is not just your life, it is a vital component and an important part of a series of other lives, which are all too important and yet sometimes overlooked.
These lives make up our world, community and society.
The community inwhich we live, and at one time, if not now, in the near future we will have to learn to love.
You see, “free will” is never free. There was and is a price to be paid. Exercising your free will, will cost something and someone.
Romans 13:8 expresses our responsibility unto God to
“Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.”
Nothing gets in or out of your heart without your permission and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Let’s not also forget …Out of the heart flows the “issues” of life.
I believe it is time to remember what Life truly means…
L – Love.
“If” – Your decisions.
E. – Eternal life.
Ressurection Day is an opportunity to remember what truly matters.
Colossians 1:14 says “God’s Son, Jesus, paid the price for our sins and made us free. Yes, God has forgiven us”.
Be blessed today and always.
You are valued, loved and appreciated… regardless what it looks like.
Life is filled with opportunities to make right and wrong choices. The choices we make will effect others either for the positive or negative.
Thank you for reminding us of the affects of our decisions.
Great word.
What a beautiful message. I’m grateful for God love, his glorious words that comfort me daily and the protection he gives me. Amen