“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
— Jack Canfield
“His” story…that’s right, I think we can all learn from others and their experiences.
Well you can only imagine how excited I was after reading a portion of a book written by Booker T. Washington entitled “A town owned by Negroes. Mound Bayou Miss. An example of thrifty and self-government. “
In this book Mr Washington talks about an event which took place in 1887.
Apparently, a group of men led by Isaiah T. Montgomery exited their train and looked across a land which was desolate, wild, untamed forests and full of the toughest terrain.
Looking at the men Mr Montgomery said this following speech that not only instantly changed the minds and lives of these men and their families, but ignited a vision which caused the land to be one of the wealthiest areas owned by African Americans, an area found to be rich with natural resources, during that period .
You see,” he said, waving his hand in the direction of the forest, “this is a pretty wild place.” He paused, and the men looked hesitatingly in the direction he had indicated, but said nothing.
“But this whole country,” he continued, “was like this once. You have seen it change. You and your fathers have, for the most part, performed the work that has made it what it is. You and your fathers did this for someone else. Can’t you do as much now for yourselves?”
The men picked up their axes and attacked the wilderness.
Are you ready to take a hard look at your life, and be the change you want?
This change begins in our mind. This change can grow legs when a vision is ignited within.
The truth be told, although Mr. Montgomery’s speech took place more than a century ago, it still can empower each of us to look beyond what you see…Look beyond your circumstances…
You see, your circumstances are subject to change and it undoubtedly starts with YOU. Your change begins with a decision. It’s time to take action.
What you do now, will directly deposit into your future.
Infact what you do in your now, just doesn’t affect you, but also those attached to your destiny both indirectly and directly.
you see the truth remains….As a result of these former slaves hard work and tenacity, out of this town evolved the first African-American woman to sit on the Republican National Committee, a U.S. Representative, the first African-American to serve as a Catholic bishop in the 20th century, several civil rights leaders, a journalist, several attorneys ,a mayor including many more individuals who left a positive mark upon this earth.
Sometimes in your life, YOU must attack your wilderness. You must look at your life for what it is and want to change. Refuse to remain the same.
Whether your current situation is good or bad, there is always room for improvement. There is room for change. Your greatest enemy is your past success.
3. Your mind is a powerful thing. You can never go where your mind has never been. Allow yourself to dream, have a vision, write it down and yes… DO IT.
You’ll never be able to have or enjoy bread, until you follow the directions by DOING SOMETHING.
Everything whether you want to accept it or not has an expiration date.
My mother would always tell us growing up, there is a time and place for everything.
5. There is something to be said to contributIng towards your own need. Investing in yourself.
When you attain your goal it is as if you are more appreciative having played an active role in your future. This feeling is worth every moment.
If you can confront the enemy within, the enemy outside can never hurt you.
I love a quote from Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
7. Not all of us may currently have a Mr. Montgomery in our lives, or someone to physically take you somewhere or move you to where you need to be, but we all have the opportunity to ask for help and direction from our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit our teacher.
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26 ESV.
Carol Sligh is an author, speaker, philanthropist and entrepreneur. She has spoken to various audiences within England, South Africa and the United States and currently hosts a local radio show which is aired throughout the world from Johannesburg, South Africa.
As an author of a life changing book, “Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Dreams”, Carol provides a systematic approach to addressing lifelong problems, and daily hinderances limiting many people from attaining their goals.
This book is available on amazon.com and also barnesandnoble.com
Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Dreams https://www.amazon.com/dp/1438925204/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_i_0YZXS74AFK9DZGV9RKH7