Do you ever find yourself reacting to a particular situation rather than responding appropriately.
Believe it or not… how you respond to a particular situation, can determine it’s outcome.
Usually when someone reacts to what is happening, it is full of emotions.
When you respond to a particular situation rather than react, you give yourself an opportunity to make a conscious, and deliberate decision; while expecting a desired result.
Most times, if not always, when conciously assessing a situation, your reactions are almost always different.
Decisions solely made by your emotions can be extremely dangerous. You see, emotions and moods like most feelings can be deceiving.
For instance, if someone previously went through a tramatic event and now addresses everything through these lens, at sometime or another their perception will be wrong.
A man without self-control
Proverbs 25:28
is like a city broken into and left without walls.
It is important that moving forward in 2022 you remain PRESENT… this is the gift of maintaining a presence of mind.
Maintain a clutter free mind by writing a clear plan and breathe, as you take one step at a time.
Carol Sligh is an author, speaker, philanthropist and entrepreneur. She has spoken to various audiences within England, South Africa and the United States and currently hosts a local radio show which is aired throughout the world from Johannesburg, South Africa.
As an author of a life changing book, “Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Dreams”, Carol provides a systematic approach to addressing lifelong problems, and daily hinderances limiting many people from attaining their goals.
This book is available on and also
Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Dreams