We all experience something within our lives which can either be extremely challenging or painful. At sometime or another we unfortunately may make a mistake and undoubtedly fall down.
However falling down doesn’t have to mean the end. It never has to be your final chapter. In fact falling down is never as important as getting up. What happens to you is not as important as how you react to what is happening.
The best tell-tale sign to your victory and being on the right track is knowing what to do to avoid continually repeating these lessons.
Focus On What Matters
First of all, choose what you focus on and focus on what truly matters. Recognizing your ability to choose and focusing on the wins rather than the losses can be extremely empowering.
As you go about your day today, I hope you are in a mindset expecting something good to happen.
Today has the potential to bring you closer to your destiny, and it is important you focus on what you WANT not what you DONT WANT.
As the holidays quickly approach, many of us will have to decide what meals we will prepare for our families and other social events .
Well, I definitely know what I will be preparing… I have a “fool proof” recipe for Prime Rib, which is absolutely delicious.
The directions are so ridiculous, you have to read it several times because it simply doesn’t make sense.
First of all, the recipe requires you to bake the roast in the oven at 500 degrees farenheit….Which in all normality would be cremation of the meat.
Then you turn off the oven and for the next several hours you allow the roast to sit. That’s right, REST…for about 2-3 hours.
You then begin another process at a lower temperature.
The most important part of this recipe is DO NOT TOUCH IT… Don’t peek or open the oven. If you do, you will violate this process, and the roast is ruined.
As you follow these directions precisely, you will produce a perfect prime rib every time.
Which reminds me of what some of you may be experiencing within your life right now. A FIERY FURNANCE EXPERIENCE.
How many times have you tried to stop, rush or intervene during a particular season within your life, and it turned out that it made things worse.
Maybe you keep finding yourself repeating the same lesson, over and over again. The characters may change, even the location, but the fact remains, you are going around the mountain for the 5th time… (hummmh).
Well, whatever you compromise or submit to within your life, good or bad has the potential to RULE YOU.
That’s right, spirit or flesh.. good or bad the CHOICE IS YOURS.
When you are placed in a particular situation, you either rule the situation or be ruled by it.
There are situations where you feel completely helpless and out of control, but believe it or not you do have options and at the very least you can MANAGE what is happening and how you REACT towards it. Self-control belongs to you.
Life is a journey and you either drive or be driven. The difference is one will take you where you want to go, while the other can be a rollercoaster directed by someone else, taking you where you had no business going in the first place.
Many people believe if you ignore a situation or you fail to decide what you will or won’t accept, things will somehow work themselves out.
They believe even though you have never drawn the line as to what you are willing tolerate, it will somehow be okay.
I believe it will eventually be okay, but not necessarily completely in your favor. You may have to experience some form of negative consequences or pain first. Deciding NOT TO ACT or doIng nothing is in itself a DECISION.
In doing nothing you are negating your rights and authority and allowing someone else to decide and define your destiny. You are allowing someone else to determine what you can or cannot do. In other words, you give away your power to decide.
There is a process in life, but there is more than one way to attain your life’s goal.
As crazy as the prime rib recipe sounded, it produced a perfect roast, but it called for extreme measures and the discipline not to open the oven.
Many times people start a process or begin to work on a particular goal, yet there is no follow through or completion.
This is your life, decide what you want and stand by it. Indecision is only another recipe for instability.
If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. Get the necessary information and determine your direction. Develop a strategy and determine what your plan of action will be.
Like with the three Hebrews they identified a problem, determined the solution, Took action and Determined what they would not do and stood by their decision.
Daniel 3:16-18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar, “Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook up, O king. But even if he doesn’t, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference, O king. We still wouldn’t serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.”
I love it and love you dangerously…