A while ago, I allowed my 8 year old daughter to make my famous sweet potato casserole for the Company “pot luck”. (no pressure)..
I know what your thinking what if it doesn’t turn out right? Well good point, but I have the recipe written down and all the directions.
What could possibly happen? After all, my daughter can read.. Well, my handwriting maybe a challenge, but that is besides the point. She wanted to make it alone, so I sat at a distance and watched.
Periodically, she would ask a question for confirmation as she had never made this before. Of course, after awhile I heard “OOPS” she then asked “Can I put a little more nutmeg than the recipe calls for? ” I reluctantly answered “just a little.” She then replied “good because I put too much in”…(pause). I calmly replied “Let’s hope for the best..keep going”.
This situation brings me to our lesson today….”Do your best and keep going”…God always watches over us and has our best interest at heart.
All things really do work together for our good. Most importantly we have been endowed with the starter and finisher spirit.
The enemy doesn’t mind you starting..it is the finishIng where the victory and prize is… It is in finishing that Discipline, Confidence and Victory are solidified In Christ.
It is at that point we truly can give Him all the glory. Finishing doesn’t mean doing it alone. But it does mean doing your part. In Habakkuk 2:2 it states “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”
Studies show most people who are successful are not successful because they are necessarily smarter. But they do tend to be more disciplined and most importantly they have a plan…before you start on your journey you must have a plan.
I have never heard of an Olympian getting a trophy for just SIGNING UP to participate or THINKING about doing something.
Get in the race….Do your best…. Keep going…and Don’t stop.
Oh the casserole.. Was delicious. Things always have a way of working out.
Such a good word. Thank you