As we move forward at full momentum to your destiny we continue to realize the importance of relationships, decisions and SEEDS.
My grandfather may he rest in peace was one of the first individuals to introduce to me the concept and power of a seed.
Of course, the concept he shared at the time was a natural approach, which later transferred to a spiritual law and concept revealed in my life today.
My grandfather would sit all the grandchildren around him, pull his buck knife out and open his bag filled with fresh oranges, mangoes, avocados, various other types of fruits and home baked bread.
He would then give them to us as treats and prizes. We could win a prize by answering the correct answers to his many questions he would quiz us on, as he taught us life lessons.
One day while at his feet, he cut an avocado and began to give it to each us. It was delicious.
As he held up the avocado, he told us, “This one… I am going to keep…” I remember asking “How grand-dad?” and he showed us, as he dug a hole and planted it.
As he dug I asked curiously “Will it grow”.. He replied “We will see”..
Today almost 40 years later if you ever go to my parents home in the very back of the yard, there is a 30 foot tree filled full of avocados.
It is amazing that one seed can bring forth thousands of delicious fruit throughout the years, just because of a single initial act…”Planting seed into good soil”.
In you, there are also seeds. These seeds if planted, will bring forth numerous amount of seeds, all you need to do is trust natures process. It too will produce fruit.
It is now time to go forth, sow and receive your harvest.
Psalms 126 verses 5&6 states “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them”. Go forth Your season is now.
Love Carol