Could it be that you wear a camouflage until the opportune time to be catapulted into destiny?”- Carol Sligh.

Have you ever taken a moment to state all the reasons why you should be grateful.

Well, I thank God for all of you. Those who are compelled to speak, those who read, listen and glean, yet remain silent.

Today I want you to know you are VALUED, you are NEEDED, YOU DO MATTER, and hidden in you is GREATNESS.

Yes, I am grateful because you can make a difference.  I am also most grateful for the Holy Spirit my friend, my teacher, my everything. You may ask how can something you cannot see be so important?

Well I love to breathe and I may not talk about oxygen all the time, but let it disappear and I will notice. 

I am sure you may use some form of electricity and it maybe a necessity on your list (at least it’s on mine), I have never seen electricity, yet, I have seen it’s power and potential. I have seen what it does or could do.

The question to you today is: Could what you previously negated as impossible be now possible with God?

Acts 2:17 states “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

Could it be you have been hidden in the open? Could it be that you wear a camouflage until the opportune time to be catapulted into destiny?

Destiny awaits you, move forward deliberately.

